Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Hemis Shawl..

Assalamualaikum to all friends..After attending a tudung class by KaK Kee I still not managed yet to make any of express tudung..Really excited wanna try ones but don't have time looking for materials, lycra and and thai silk or any types of  materials that suitable for awning.
So still the got balance for chiffon that i bought earlier for making shawl..Tadaa..Hasilnye i named it as ''Hemis Shawl''..Why? Beacuse it is actually from hemisphere, many people called it as halfmoon, I just rename it to ''Hemis Shawl''...Kononnye la..

Shall try to post later when im wearing my "Hemis Shawl'' :P...Have a nice weekend to everyone! Wassalam..