Monday, July 23, 2012

Borong Tudung Maira

Salam Ramadhan to readers outthere. It's quite sometime im not updates any in my blog. Alhamdullilah we have managed (collaboration me & my sista) to get a bazar Ramadhan this year at our hometown..Actually she's the one who was very exciting to sell 'tudung' at bazar instead of selling it among our friends and family as what she did before. I think this also a good exposure to us in reality of business 'face to face' with real customer not our aunty,cousin,neighbour anymore..hehe

A week before Ramadhan we went to Maira Collection at USJ to 'borong' tudung for our Bazaar soon. Before that we went to Jalan TAR and also 'borong' brooches however i have forgotten to snap any of brooches that we have bought.

In progress to choose tudung at Maira Collection USJ

Really tired somemore headache because too many choices lorr..

Will update later our booth at Bazar Ramadhan starts on 28th July..Wish us luck!